PP Francis: “The Church Could Not Go On Without You"


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Searching and Listening

How much time do we spending thinking about all the things we could do if we did not have to work “9 to 5” each day? I have always been a planner. I enrolled in programs for certifications in areas area that I thought I would like to engage in...

The Brotherhood of the Flesh (Part 3)

Hugh Marston Hefner is the third member of this sexual brotherhood. Born in Chicago in 1926, Hef, as his intimates call him, is considered the patriarch of the sexual revolution of the sixties. His father was a Methodist and a direct descendant of...

Spiritual Pruning

Here is an official invitation to get a spiritual tune-up. Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. John 15:4 It is about daily life...

Resilient Love: A Eucharistic Reflection

When I come to the Eucharist I see it as the source of love. It fills all things and all peoples. The power of this act of wonder gives life to life and gives reality to all existence. I have come to see love enlightened in the Eucharist. When I was...

Putting Our Faith into Practice

The Fourth Sunday of Easter is also the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, and so I’ve asked our fourth grade students from school to share what occupation or career they’d like to have when they grow up. Quite a few are interested in being...
