Catholic Journal

All Hail The Queen And Queen!

Is it just me, or are there others out there who are getting more and more annoyed with these almost daily “personal interest” stories on the internet, television, or in newspapers that feature some new “breakthrough” for homosexuals?  Whether it has to do with homosexual marriage or homosexual adoption or homosexual clergy or homosexual (fill in the blank), we are inundated with a barrage of these marvels of societal evolution.

Of course, there are those who will say, “Hey, the world is changing. You might as well accept reality.  Besides, whatever these people do, it has no effect anybody else.”

Really?  Well, let’s look at a recent “breakthrough” story and project how this will affect others.

Here is the opening sentence of a recent internet article: “For the first time, a gay couple at Calabasas High School . . . were decorated (sic) as the 2013 Homecoming Queen and Queen.”

The article has a photo of the ladies with their matching crowns and big smiles.  We learn that one of them is the president of the school’s Gay and Straight Alliance Club.  She explained why she and her partner won:

[B]ecause, usually the homecoming king and queen are the most popular among their group of friends–whereas we are friends with all the little groups of people, and they’ve never had a voice.  They’ve never had someone to vote for.

Clearly a victory for tolerance, right?  For them maybe, but what about some of their classmates?

Does anyone believe that a student in that school who is opposed to the homosexual lifestyle will be able to express his views openly in the classroom?  When the subject comes up in a government class when discussing discrimination or in a literature class when the subject matter of a book deals with homosexuality, will that student be allowed to express his true thoughts? And even if he does so in as gentle a way as possible, what if one of the queens in the class begins to cry, will the school just tell her that a good education requires the free expression of ideas?  Or what if a student wears a shirt to school with the words, “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”?  Will the school defend the student’s First Amendment right of free expression?  In a pig’ eye.

Think I’m exaggerating?  Consider Rolla High School in Rolla, Missouri.

On November 1 of this year, a sophomore at the school wore a shirt that had three Bible verses on the front.  On the back was the phrase “being gay ain’t right.”  When told by the administration to remove the shirt, the young man refused and was summarily suspended.  The school dress code identifies improper clothing as anything that could be a “disruptive influence or embarrassing to individual students or teachers.”  Of course, who determines what is disruptive or embarrassing?  A student?  A teacher?  The principal?  Apparently, students who belong to the school’s Gay/Straight Alliance club are permitted to wear gay pride tee shirts in the building.  Why aren’t they considered disruptive or embarrassing to some students?

Or take the case of Dakota Ary, a freshman at Western Hills High School, in Texas.  In 2011, while in a German language class that was discussing religious beliefs in Germany, Dakota said to another student, “I’m a Christian and, to me, being homosexual is wrong.”  The teacher overheard the comment, wrote up Dakota for a school infraction, and sent him to the office.  Dakota was then given a two-day suspension.  A week before this incident, this teacher, who is a homosexual, taped a poster on the blackboard of two men kissing and told the students that this was homosexuality and they needed to accept it.  Fortunately for Dakota, after the school received a letter of complaint from the Liberty Counsel, a pro-family organization that defends Christians against discrimination, the suspension was lifted, and the teacher was placed on administrative leave.

And here’s one more. In 2006, thirteen students at Oakmont High School in Sacramento, California were suspended for wearing shirts containing a very direct message: “Homosexuality is sin. Jesus can set you free.”  The purpose for wearing the shirts was to counter the homosexual-activist “Day of Silence,” which the school sanctions. The principal justified the suspensions because many students “were upset” and thought the shirts “were rude.”  Apparently, no one cared if the Christian students were upset by the Day of Silence.

Am I cherry picking?  Of course.  But this is an article, not a book.  Google “Student suspended for anti-gay words or shirts,” and you’ll get my point.

“But this sort of thing may not happen at Calabasas High,” someone might say.  Perhaps.  But the school has this sentence in its student handbook: “Students who threaten, intimidate, or harass another person by word, act or deed are liable for disciplinary action.” I wonder how the administration will interpret harass?  Want to make a bet?

Thomas Addis

THOMAS ADDIS is a retired high school teacher and published author, most recently authoring a children's book, A Gift of Light, which is available at Amazon. An M.A. graduate of Oakland University, he is Associate Editor of Catholic Journal. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and cycling.

1 comment

  • this whole thing is disgusting….the LGBT community only cares about their own feelings and wont accept the fact that there is no such thing as “gay marriage”…marriage is between one man and one woman…PERIOD!!!