Catholic Journal
Sunday Morning TV

Sunday Morning TV

There is nothing better after a hard week than to turn on the television on a Sunday morning and be revitalized by the stimulating advertisements that cover hundreds of channels.  How about the Shark Navigator – best vacuum in the world so they say.  Now they want you to be so interested that you will call 1 800-784-6431 to find out the price that is “below $200.”  I suspect it is $199.95.  The Shark has swivel steering, never any loss of suction, runs in a portable canister mode, and has unlimited features.

Another standard advertiser is the Ninja food grinder for $39.95 – plus, of course, shipping and handling that can run a small fortune if you are not careful.  I also like Perkier Boobs.  This wonderful product is advertised on at least five channels.  I just don’t know how women can resist.

Each Sunday in the world of TV, paid programming becomes a national pastime.  Regular television programs are replaced by a deluge of advertized products that cover just about everything on the planet.  I like Car MD.  This electrical gadget is the answer to all your questions.  Of course, once you know the problem, the manufacturer has no suggestions on how to buy to replacement part at a reasonable price.

One of the best out now is the advertisement that “energizes your brain.”  This mystical supplement is called Procera, which is advertized as a nutritional supplement that guarantees to turn back the clock on aging and memory loss.  No more “to do” lists.  Of course, I usually have to get a pencil and paper to make sure I dial the right 800 number.  This is usually the same pad that I make my “to do” lists on.

DirectTV has, of course, declared war on Dish Network and Comcast.  Talk about switch and bait advertising.  If you order Dish Network, you get their special for $19.95 for 90 days – all 100 channels.  After 90 days, I suspect the price triples.  Now Direct TV and Comcast have similar fantastic offers all lasting approximately the same time period that offer HBO, Stars, etc.  How can you go wrong?

I kind of like spending a few minutes of my Sunday morning watching either Prison Break or Operation REPO.  Both are truly stimulating programs.  If you like a little violence mixed in a tragic situation, these are a must for your Sunday morning pleasure – kind of a break from the Cialis commercials.  I would like to try the 36 hour Cialis but I don’t have side by side bathtubs out on my patio.

I know women must flock to the “new bottom shaper” that is offered at a value of over $200 for only $29.95 plus that infamous shipping and handling.  Now there is even a 25% reduction on the $29.95 price for the first 50,000 callers.  I know that a lot of us are concerned about panty lines in today’s troubling economy.

For those of us still left with some discretionary income, we might be interested in “life style lift” that works magic on those troublesome wrinkles.  We are told that this plastic surgery is something that all of us need.  Now you get to find out what a bargain this surgery is, you call 1-877-489-2764 – especially for those of us that have had gastrointestinal bypass surgery that has left us with some unwanted sagging.  I am still trying to save for the gastrointestinal surgery.

I feel obligated to mention Tony’s “10 minute workout” that also includes a special Yoga session.  Also included are Tony’s “10 minute meal suggestions” that are offered for just 3 payments of $39.95.  These DVD’s are an exclusive TV offer – a $180.00 value with a risk free 30 day guarantee. Wow!

There are so many offers that it seems mind boggling.  From hair removal products to hair restoration products to Delta Sky Miles to Maaco auto body and painting, Sunday morning has become an adventure into the circus world of impulsive advertising.  All you need is your credit card, a paper and pencil, and limited sanity.

Donald Wittmer

DONALD WITTMER was a retired business executive who held key roles in the automotive and banking sectors. For a time, he also served as Fiscal Agency Manager for the Detroit branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. He received his undergraduate degree from Cincinnati's Xavier University, an M.A. in business management from Central Michigan University, and earned certification in bank operations from the School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A devout Catholic and family man, Mr. Wittmer passed into eternity on September 16, 2021. May God rest his soul.