Catholic Journal

Thank You Dear Lord, The Conventions Are Over…


Why do I hate them so much? I think it is because we had one year of primaries where we listened to all the same old claptrap over and over again! I can’t even remember all the names but I do remember one of them was the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, and we had Ron Paul and the Pizza king, Herman Cain. Herman had a questionable background and I remember his 9-9-9 Plan. I can’t recall what the 9’s stood for but it was some magical tax plan. How about Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich, or my dear lady friend Michelle Bachmann, or Mr. Jon Huntsman.  Mitt Romney did make it through to the final two. I do remember that Mitt planned well for every debate and changed his approach to offer a new plan each time.

We got a dose of Bill Clinton at the DNC. I remember Bill liked his women and he seemed to get attached to one woman at a time and the last one was Monica Lewinsky. Big Bill spent 12 years with Jennifer Flowers and a few weeks with Paula Jones, who by the way is $750,000 richer thanks to Big Bill. Bill seemed to come out of the woodwork at the DNC with a speech that seemed to address a lot of topics, but like all politicians, FactCheck had a ball clarifying the interpretation of the statistics. And then there was Ex-Governor Granholm whose blood pressure at the end of her speech was so high there was talk of hospitalizing her. Obama did well with his speech but his jobs statistics were a little shaky. It appears he did create 300,000 new jobs but the period that he selected did not match his time in office. Seems he shaved a year off. Several political analysts said that this election is the most “fact distorted” in history with both the Republican and the Democrats fudging, altering, and just plain lying regarding results, plans, and their willingness to compromise when necessary.
Thank you Lord and give us the strength and patience to go on for another 60 days of the same rhetoric but at least there is an end in sight. It won’t be long now and I can eat dinner without the telephone ringing endlessly and I won’t have to bring the mail in with a shoe box. TV will return to normal and I will only have 10 advertisements between the weather and the crime report rather than 20 advertisements now. I know in Michigan the election will have one of the longest ballots ever printed. Many schools plan to set up chairs for the voting line as standing will not work. They are even contemplating chairs in the voting booth as it will take time to read the 8 proposals on the ballot.

Donald Wittmer

DONALD WITTMER was a retired business executive who held key roles in the automotive and banking sectors. For a time, he also served as Fiscal Agency Manager for the Detroit branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. He received his undergraduate degree from Cincinnati's Xavier University, an M.A. in business management from Central Michigan University, and earned certification in bank operations from the School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A devout Catholic and family man, Mr. Wittmer passed into eternity on September 16, 2021. May God rest his soul.