Catholic Journal

The Mystery of Evil

This week we walk with Christ into the mystery of evil. Our Blessed Lord knows suffering. All who suffer now have Him with them. He suffers with us, we suffer with Him.

The big question that bothers us all is this: “Why is there evil in the first place?” Some people question God about that. I know I have. “Why does God allow evil?” We need to hear His question in return: “Why do you allow evil into your world? What have you done to rid the world of ISIS? Why do you allow innocent babies to be killed? Why do you allow young girls be sold into sexual slavery?” When it comes to evil, we have questions for God. Likewise God has questions for us. Without giving us answers to why there is evil in the first place we are instead led by Jesus Christ to deal with suffering and death head on, through Him, with Him, and in Him. In dealing with evil we are not alone.

The ultimate mystery is that sin has taken us all into rejection of God. It is prideful human rejection of God that is the root cause of all human suffering, namely our separation from our source of happiness. Evil’s suffering is our turning away from the happiness that comes to us when we are in union with God. All of us have sinned; all of us are accomplices in bringing evil and suffering into our world. All of us need to be redeemed from the world of suffering we have caused ever since Adam and Eve.

How, then, are we to deal with evil? Can we deal with it apart from Christ? The events of Holy Week give us answers.

The voice in the first reading (Isaiah 50:4-7) for Palm Sunday is the voice of the Old Testament’s Suffering Servant, the one who personifies not only the eventual promised Messiah but also the one who represents Israel, the community of sufferers. Compassion is the primary virtue to be shared. The very word “compassion” means “to suffer with” and therein we can begin to answer to the question of how we are to deal with suffering.

God knows of our powerlessness. Knowing of it, and loving us as He does, He came among us in compassion to share in our suffering, the consequence of evil. God the Son, Jesus Christ, takes on our human condition by joining Himself into our humanity while at the same time allowing us to join ourselves into His humanity.

We need to recall that early theologians and Doctors of the Church referred to the whole corporate body of the baptized and confirmed as the “Mystical Body of Christ.” At the same time those theologians referred to the Blessed Sacrament as the “Mystical Body of Christ.” They recognized that the Eucharist makes the Church while at the same time the Church makes the Eucharist. Together the baptized and confirmed constitute the Mystical Body of Christ. Likewise, together we are all joined into the Suffering Servant Jesus Christ. That is what the liturgies of Holy Week are all about.

In his letter to the Colossians, St. Paul writes about suffering, his own suffering, while recognizing that he is talking about all who suffer: Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church… [Col 1:24] In writing these words St. Paul is speaking of the solidarity we all share not only with each other but our solidarity with Christ in His redemptive suffering. The meaning of solidarity is that we share each other’s burdens. Christ is yoked with us.

Our Psalm response today is taken from Psalm 22 with the words My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? It is spoken repeatedly. Once again the voice is that of the Old Testament’s Suffering Servant. But at the same time those were the last words Jesus uttered at the moment of His death on the Cross. Truly, God has not shielded Himself from the consequences of our sins and the human suffering that result from them. He knows us through and through… and He has compassion on us… He, in Christ, suffers with us.

But God’s compassion turns into mercy and opens up to us our eventual victory over sin, over suffering, and even over death itself. For as the early Christians sang in their earliest of hymns:

Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. [Philippians 2:5-11]

In Jesus Christ God loves us to death… and after that He loves us back into life just as He did with poor Lazarus, just as He did with His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. God our Father sent His Son to us not to condemn us but rather in His love to save us, save us from ourselves and the suffering our sins have caused.

And so we enter the week that is called Holy.

Fr Charles Irvin

REVEREND CHARLES IRVIN was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on January 6, 1933. He was raised and educated there, graduating from the University of Michigan's Law School. After a brief career as an attorney he entered the seminary and was ordained a priest in 1967. Shortly thereafter he began an eleven-year ministry at St. Mary's Student Chapel in Ann Arbor. A rich variety of ministries followed including appointments to many advisory positions in the Church and three other pastorates. In the early 1970s he began writing columns for several Catholic newspapers in Michigan. In 1999 he was appointed founding editor of Faith magazine, published by the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan. Today, the magazine serves seven dioceses. Fr. Irvin passed into eternity on February 11, 2021. May God rest his soul.